Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

Have you ever seen a cat full stretch? It looks like they are made of elastic and stretch so far it looks like they are growing by the second or maybe even made of something other than flesh. These ten photos perfectly capture the moment a cat has stretched and prove that cats might well be made from something more than fur and bones…

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

The Neck Breaker

Even from this very first image, you can see why an image of a cat simply stretching is worth seeing. The positions and contortions they get themselves into are amazing! You would have thought that this poor cat would have woken with a very stiff neck indeed.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

The Long Reach

From what I have read online it does seem there are some real health benefits to stretching. And the same can be said for cats, helping them grow and keep the muscles they use while playing at peak efficiency. And maybe helping them grow as well, or maybe that is a myth.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

Surprise attack style!

This is the full-on cat stretch that involves opening the mouth fully. That arched back and outstretched arms are a sure way to know your cat is having a very nice stretch indeed. I would like to say that cats stretch more than us humans, but thinking about it, I do it a lot as well.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

The Full Frontal

It is the out-stretched feet and fully extended claws that really show you how dangerous even a little cat could be. Those extended claws might not look much to you, but to a mouse or bird, I am sure they are deadly gripping tools.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

The Booty Call: Back it Up Style

It’s the classic Caterpillar style of stretching. That bum high in the air and fully straight front legs, to be honest, it does look rather painful! But to a cat, I would imagine that it makes sure everything is in working order before going out on any hunting spree.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

The happy ‘C’ shape

So how long is your cat? Well, a full measurement is from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail which means it can often be difficult to get a cat to assist while measuring. But by being patient and waiting for the cat to stretch you will get the full figures you need.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

Each Limb Gets its own Stretch

I read in a blog post that when a cat stretches it will always reach out with its attack paw first. So if this cat is just started to stretch it will be that claw that does most of the initial grabbing and clawing. But if I remember right, my old cat just stretched with both claws together, so does that make him Ambidextrous? Your cat will often stretch simply because it has awakened from a long nap and needs to stretch its muscles.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

Around the box in 80 Stretches

If you have ever seen a cat climb into a tight looking box you will also see that cat stretch shortly after exiting it as well. Imagine sleeping in a tiny box, I bet you would want to stretch as well.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

The Happy Rack

Now, this is one very long cat! If you are supposed to measure how long the cat is from the tip of the nose, to tip of tail, how come this cat is longer from leg point, to leg point? Also worth noting is the claws being extended as well. This is one mean cat that is for sure.

Ten Amazing Pictures of Cats Stretching That Looks Kind of Crazy

The Happy Contortionist

What’s With Cats and All That Stretching? Who knows, all I do know is this final image really shows what a cat will go through in order to get a good stretch in. The angle that this cat is in much be painful! But not to a cat, because much like their bigger cat relatives they really are the kings and queens of stretches.

Does your cat stretch so much that it looks weird? Which of these stretching cats did you like the most? Do let us know in the comments below!

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