Ten Amazing Facts About The Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Ten Amazing Facts About The Bermuda Triangle Mystery

The Bermuda Triangle is the greatest mystery in this modern world. In this technological era, thousands of people around the world are still searching for the Bermuda Triangle as it is still a big mystery not solved yet. NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and other research groups have landed on Moon and Mars but unable to resolve this mystery. Some people believe that Bermuda Triangle is a supernatural phenomenon.

What is Bermuda Triangle?

Bermuda Triangle is known as a “Devil’s Triangle”. Scientists define it as a loose region in the North Atlantic Ocean between Miami and Puerto Rico where lots of ships and aircraft have been lost. No one knows the exact boundaries and area of this mystery as different researchers have mentioned different boundaries. However, it is between 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 km2 in North Atlantic Ocean. On the other side, US Navy and World Wide Funds for Nature say that there is no Bermuda Triangle in any ocean, so lets look at some interesting facts about it and learn a little more…

Ten Amazing Facts About The Bermuda Triangle Mystery

  1. This mystery is located between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda.
  2. The total area of the Bermuda Triangle is between 500,000 to 1,510,000 sq miles.
  3. Christopher Columbus was the first with his men who talked about this mystery area and said that he found strange lights in this area and reports have been published in Columbus’s journals.
  4. The earliest reports about first registered disappearance of a ship were reported in 1950 in an article published by The Miami Herald.
  5. After 2 years another article written by George X. Sand was published in Fate Magazine and described how lots of ships and flights have been lost in this area including Flight 19, 5 US Navy Bombers.
  6. Triangle’s existence believers have faith that there are extraordinary magnetic powers who catch everything within and over the triangle.
  7. A number of scientists, investigators and departments deny this Bermuda Triangle such as Larry Kusche (a famous researcher from Arizona State University) US Navy and World Wide Funds for Nature.
  8. A recent disappearance was reported in 2008 when a Britten Norman Islander vanished near Bermuda Triangle.
  9. Inside the Bermuda Triangle Area US Government has Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (that center belongs to US Navy where they test their different weapons and submarines). That is the reason US Navy doesn’t recognize Bermuda Triangle Mystery.
  10. Not even a single ship or aircraft’s debris is found under its waters including 6 US Navy bombers and other civilian ships and this makes it more mysterious.

Do you know any other interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle? If you do why not tell us about them in the comments below.

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