The Top Ten Most Common Causes of Hair Loss

The Top Ten Most Common Causes of Hair Loss

When an individual suffers from the loss of hair that exceeds more than 100 strands per day, this excessive hair shedding calls for concern. To determine the severity or potential hair loss treatment measures, it is important to identify the cause or possible causes. Below you will find a wide range of possibilities that are ten of the most common reasons for losing your hair…


The family tree is quite strong and one of the most common causes of hair growth problems is a genetic problem. Androgenetic alopecia surfaces when a mother or father exhibits hair loss (also known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness).

It is through the genes that hair growth is affected, where shrinking follicles cause gradual loss of hair in men or overall thinning of the hair in women. Usually, half of those with inherited hair growth problems begin to show the effects by the age of 50.


Both mental and physical stress causes pattern baldness, which can last for weeks to even months. Usually, the hair will return within a few months. Recent surgery, sickness, or a high fever are just some of the things that may cause a negative reaction.

Improper Hair Care

Those who make it a habit to tightly pull back their hair, wear tight braids, and display tight ponytails can cause hair thinning. This may appear around the edge of the hairline. Curling irons, dyes, and some hair products may also cause hair problems. It is common for the hair to grow back after tweaking your hair care habits.


As a person gets older, their ability to grow hair is altered. Hairs tend to break more easily as it becomes more brittle.


When a person suffers from a disease, such as syphilis, lupus, or cancer, hair may fall out and depending on the condition and grow back.

The Top Ten Most Common Causes of Hair Loss


The side effects associated with a variety of medical treatments and medications are known to cause hair loss. This is especially seen in a patient that undergoes chemotherapy or radiation for cancer. Blood thinners may also cause the same response. For some, hair generally grows back once medication or treatment has been completed.

Poor Nutrition

A diet that lacks protein, iron, or other nutrients may affect the hair. Increasing the number of vitamins and minerals that the body receives allows hair to return. Multi-vitamins sometimes help, as well as the addition of certain foods to a diet.


In women, hair loss may occur as hormone levels become affected by birth control pills, pregnancy, or a change in their menstrual cycle. Oftentimes, the hair will grow back.


Often seen in children, the presence of ringworm (tinea capitis) on the scalp will cause hair loss.


Some people exhibit a compulsive behaviour known as trichotillomania, which moves a person to pull hair from their scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows. Usually, individuals may use this as a form of self-release. Noticeable hair loss is often the result.

While these are just ten of the most common there are countless other reasons for hair loss that we haven’t mentioned here. So do seek medical or professional advice if it keeps happening.

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