Senior Fitness: Ten Ways to Roll Back the Years

Senior Fitness: Ten Ways to Roll Back the Years

As people reach their retirement years, they often think of the leisure time they’ll enjoy as work becomes a thing of the past. These golden years are a perfect time to get in shape because work and family responsibilities are relatively relaxed. Seniors might be wary about exercising because of health ailments or possible injuries. As a solution, seniors should look for those basic exercises like riding an e-bike that makes them feel good. Roll back the years by taking part in senior fitness almost every day of the week.

1. Hop onto an e-Bike

Riding a bicycle isn’t always at the top of a senior’s to-do list because of the effort involved and possible injuries. However, there’s a simple answer…an e-bike! An e-bike kit attached to a standard bicycle gives this exercise a boost where seniors need it most. People still achieve a good workout on an eBike, but the harsh effort is taken out of the picture. Hills aren’t obstacles anymore. The electric components take over the bike so that seniors can ride for longer periods without any issues involving stamina. Ideally, seniors should outfit their bikes with these electric bike kits and ride out as a group. Exercise can be fun when the right tools are used along the way. You can always pay a visit to EB-UK for all the latest e-bike news, reviews and giveaways.

2. Walk it Out

Walking remains one of the best exercises for senior fitness. Purchase a sturdy pair of sneakers, and head out on a favourite pathway. These workouts can be as easy or difficult as a person sees fit. Take on a slow pace when the senior is just starting a fitness regimen. The pace might quicken over time while trying different pathways with hills involved along the way. Seniors can also use pedometers during these walks so that they know how far they’ve travelled. Being able to reach 10,000 steps each day would be a remarkable feat for a senior. These steps are equivalent to 5 miles, which indicates great health for any older person.

3. Tee up the Golf Ball

Seniors who love the game of golf will often incorporate it into their retirement. Golf isn’t an intense sport, which makes it perfect for almost any fitness level. It improves a person’s hand-eye coordination while encouraging flexibility in the torso. Each stroke requires the movement of the arms, torso, hips and legs. Seniors who play golf at least once a week will notice that their flexibility remains strong well into retirement. If there are any health issues, seniors can always alter their game to include a golf cart. Driving between strokes still allows the person to achieve some fitness as they recover from any health problems.

4. Grab Some Weights

Weightlifting exercises are important for both men and women. Seniors aren’t looking for a buff appearance, however. They want the benefits that strength training provides. As a person lifts three or five pounds, the muscles become stimulated so that they grow stronger over time. Strong muscles contribute to good posture and improved circulation around the body. Seniors can incorporate some strength training into their day by simply placing the weights near their favourite chair as they watch television. During a commercial, get up from the chair and lift the weights for a few seconds. This effort will be visible via a healthier body in no time.

5. Take a Swim

Joint problems are one of the most common complaints from seniors. Because it hurts to move the joints, many seniors simply put off any exercise. Don’t overlook the fitness solution at the pool. As a senior enters the water, their body weight is instantly supported. Every joint is easier to move because there’s no excess weight creating pain. Swim laps, take a pool-aerobics class or simply float in the water for better fitness. Many community pools have memberships that seniors can visit at a discounted rate almost year-round. The body will respond with less fat and a toned physique after swimming on a frequent schedule.

Senior Fitness: Ten Ways to Roll Back the Years

6. Select a Dance Partner

Senior centers and local groups will often hold classes or gatherings where retirees can dance the day away. Regardless of a person’s skill, dancing is both good for the mind and body. Dancing requires good posture, rhythm and a positive attitude. After one song, seniors can feel the positive energy flowing through their bodies. Make dancing a regular occurrence, and seniors will notice a difference in their health. They might feel lighter and happier as a result of the fun times.

7. Start a Gardening Project

Gardening may not seem like a fitness choice, but it has many benefits for the body. You’ll need to move soil, plants and possibly build a small border for a garden. All of these activities are technically exercises. In fact, seniors may not notice that they’re exercising as they garden all morning long. Be careful about lifting any item that’s too heavy, and always wear a hat to protect the skin from the sunlight. Gardening is both an exercise and a practical way to feed the household. Seniors might grow tomatoes, carrots and other items so that their grocery bill can be reduced.

8. Adopt a Dog

The kids and grandchildren may be at work and school all week long so seniors often look for companionship in other ways. Adopting a dog is a great way to find a new friend while improving fitness. Every dog needs to have its own exercise. Take the dog on a walk, throw the ball to it and move around the yard. The fun and companionship from a dog-and-senior relationship won’t feel like exercise, but the person will notice a difference in their physique. Bring the dog along on many walking adventures, and senior fitness will continue to improve.

9. Water aerobics

In the past years, water aerobics have become an extremely popular form of exercise among all ages, but in particular to seniors. Exercising in the water is ideal for those living with arthritis and other forms of joint pain, as the buoyancy of the water puts less stress on your joints. Additionally, water brings natural resistance, which eliminates the need for weights in strength training. Water aerobics exercises improve your strength, flexibility, and balance with minimal stress on your body.

10. Martial Arts

Some seniors want to try more advanced sports even martial arts. These exercises aren’t off limits, but seniors should consult their doctors before trying them. Everyone has a different fitness level, and certain movements might aggravate specific conditions. With a doctor’s blessing, a senior can try out a new activity and enjoy those golden years even more than before.

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