Get Healthy: Ten Ways To Increase Stamina

Get Healthy: Ten Ways To Increase Stamina

Following a very sedentary lifestyle, we have turned into couch potatoes. Our health reports suck, and our physical stamina goes down the drain. Following the simple steps below, we can increase stamina in our body. So get your sports gear ready and be ready for some sweating….

10. Pilates

Developed by Joseph Pilates in the 20th century to boost physical stamina, stay fit and also reduce weight, this is very popular in Argentina, the United States of America, Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom. It helps in building muscle flexibility.

It also aids in escalating muscle strength and enduring legs, hips and back. This system was developed to strengthen the human mind, as stamina is closely related to a healthy mind. A healthy mind in a healthy body often works vice versa too. The workout regime was confined earlier to studios, but with its tremendous achievement, it was explored to gyms, community centres, physiotherapy rooms and other places, even homes. This form of boosting stamina has been widely acclaimed all over.

9. Hybrid exercises

A mixture of various exercises helps you build your stamina twice as the regular ones. Combining it with various asanas, lunges, crunches, etc., one can lead a positive life. These help a person to stay fit, active and take a very short time too. Regular exercises help to boost your stamina and strengthen your breath too. But a word of caution, if done not correctly, may prove to be hazardous as it may pull your muscle or tear your ligament. You can always hire an expert for such an exercise.

8. Fast-paced lifting

Basically associated with increasing strength, fast lifting can help you with your stamina problems since your body and heart respond fast simultaneously to it. These not only boost your stamina but also help to clear your excess fat. Thus offers a wide variety of benefits. Health tip: always be around the trainer while doing it; we don’t want muscle pull or ligament tearing.


7. Plyometrics

It means a group of exercises aimed at exerting pressure on muscles in a short span of time. This increases muscle strength and stamina. Examples are repeated jumping, box jumps, push-ups, bounding, drop jumps, etc. Single-leg hops, and high-knee skipping are also plyometric exercises which can be done on any soft surface, such as a grassy garden or maybe packed dirt. Fast-feet running is the most common example, where you run just 15 or 20 yards as quickly as possible and repeat this 6 to 8 times after a very short break every time.

6. Yoga

This really has proved its mettle in almost all scenarios. Yoga is basically about holding postures for a long period. Said to be the art of India, and we know it, but some other countries are trying to patent it (gross!!). This actually helps build your mental stamina too. It includes breathing exercises which can help one come over asthmatic issues. So try yoga. It really works well.

Wall Climbing

5. Wall Climbing

So now comes the turn of an adventure sport. We must have tried this, especially the guys!! This involves excessive physical stamina, as it isn’t as easy as it looks. Here you need to push your body upwards, which takes your guts. It needn’t be done every day, and there are many clubs where you can enrol for such amazing sports. This has been one of the most interesting activities lately and is not that expensive either. Go join it with a bunch of adventurous friends, and you will have a gala time. Health tip: don’t try to act like a stud and climb without safety gear. Ensure you have been firmly tied.

4. Stair climbing

Well, from personal experience, this is the best way to increase stamina and lose weight too ( for girls). This doesn’t require some exorbitant machinery but needs some stairs which can be found anywhere. So increase your up-down cycles, which will increase the blood supply from the heart more effectively and strengthen leg muscles. And all those guys trying for a spot in the football or basketball teams, trust me, it will add to the brownie points. Try this new routine in the morning, and it will work wonders. Health tip: All girls out there, don’t try this with heels, please; you will be losing your knee strength.


3. Swimming

If you are hydrophobic, jump to the next point, but the rest of you watch out. This not only builds up muscle strength but also cardiac action also improves. It also has a strong effect on the lungs. Because it is done in water improves breathing action and makes the lungs strong to breathe under pressure. Swimming has been the best exercise for a long time and hasn’t lost its charm. So if you are eying on something to improve stamina, you are up for this.

2. Cycling

It may sound kiddish because we used to do this when we were in school. But the benefits of this are quite a handful. It helps to lot in curing health issues. It helps in escalating your stamina, enduring your leg muscles and keeping your pulse also normal. Be it a stationary bike or riding a cycle. Focus more on mileage and increase distance travelled every day. It will work wonders for you.

Interval training

1. Interval training

It is called interval training when highly intense physical activity is combined with low-intensity exercise. It has both levels of both high and low intensity. For example, sprint running for 7-8 minutes combined with jogging for 4 minutes or

Twenty push-ups non-stop, and then do a stretching exercise for 5 minutes. This will help your body to increase stamina as the quick and light exercises are repeated, which in turn adjusts your body according to the situation every time.

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