Ten Golden Rules for a Healthier Stronger Brain

Ten Golden Rules for a Healthier Stronger Brain

Forgetfulness is one of the most important problems that we all experience from time to time. The increase in the factors that cause stress in our environment also triggers the increase in forgetfulness events. So, do you know what you need to do to have a strong memory and improve your memory? If your answer is “No”, this article will help you a little bit. Especially with advancing age, forgetfulness can become the biggest fear of human beings. Even minor forgetfulness is considered as a serious memory loss and this is scientifically misunderstood. We present to you the golden rules to a healthier, stronger brain…

Mind and Body = 1

The brain works in perfect synchronization in connection with other organs. If you control your blood pressure and cholesterol, you will strengthen not only your heart but also your brain.

Cut Down on Alcohol

It is a myth that drinking kills brain cells. Instead, alcohol damages the brain in other ways, for instance, by damaging the ends of neurons. This can make it difficult for those neurons to send important nerve signals. Alcohol may also damage the brain by increasing the risk of strokes, head injuries, and accidents.

Sleep Well

Your mind and body needs regular and quality sleep. An average of 8 hours of sleep per day ensures the reinforcement of what has been learned during the day. Of course, in this case, it is very important for a long-lasting memory.

Control That Stress

If you can control and manage daily stress, you can increase your focus on events and issues. Stress that you cannot control, distracts attention, triggers forgetfulness, increases the secretion of the hormone cortisone, and this causes damage to the brain in terms of memory.

Ten Golden Rules for a Healthier Stronger Brain

Learn Something New

Keep learning. Every new piece of information is a great way to exercise the brain. A new foreign language learned, math problems solved, a new sport practised and a new poem memorized are sources of vitamins for your brain.

Get up and Move

Laziness can cause limitation of mental activities and therefore forgetfulness. Do not harm your physical and mental health by staying in front of the TV for a long time.

Do Sports

Incorporate sports into your life. Walking for 30-40 minutes a day has been proven to benefit the brain in terms of brain health and cell restructuring.

Cut Down on Those Pills (with professional advice)

Pay attention to drug use. Do not use sedatives, antidepressants, relaxants and sedatives without the advice of a doctor.

Ten Golden Rules for a Healthier Stronger Brain

Take Those Vitamins

Take care to take vitamins E and C, which have antioxidant properties. Take care of a balanced diet. Make sure you take vitamin B12 regularly.


Take care of your social life. Ensure strong family ties, friendships and bilateral relations. Strong social relations mean mental exercise.

Do you have any other tips for keeping and growing a healthy, stronger brain? If you do why not leave them in the comments below. 

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