10 Authoritative Parenting Practices that Promote Creativity in Children

10 Authoritative Parenting Practices that Promote Creativity in Children

Authoritative parenting practices seem to promote creativity in children. It’s a parenting practice that strives to meet both the physical and emotional needs of the kids. In authoritative parenting, parents set rules with the active participation of their children. They’re strict but also allow their children to make choices independently.

Aside from school, the home front is a critical environment where creativity can be nurtured. The style of parenting practices among authoritative parents is suitable for nurturing creative skills in children.

Below are parenting practices that promote creativity in children.

1. Respect

Respect is reciprocal. Authoritative parents treat their kids with respect. When they want to correct their kids during creative activities, they talk to them politely. They value the ideas of their kids. When their kids have divergent thoughts over an idea, they don’t shut them down.

2. Have confidence in their children’s abilities

Authoritative parents have confidence in the creative abilities of their kids. They give their children assurances that they can do well in their creative works. These assurances encourage children to do more and create better products.

3. Give their kids responsibility

Parents engage their kids in age-appropriate chores that potentially enhance their creative skills. They give them the freedom to do it and expect them to do well. When the kids encounter challenges, they are likely to creatively find better ways of completing tasks.

4. Freedom to make choices

Children from authoritative homes have the freedom to make choices. But sometimes they make mistakes in the process. This allows them to learn from their mistakes. When children are allowed to engage in creative activities of their choices, they’ll make mistakes and learn from them.

5. They’re involved with their kids

Authoritative parents organize creative activities and get involved with their kids. But even as they do that, they also step back and allow their kids to lead the process and create different products for themselves.

10 Authoritative Parenting Practices that Promote Creativity in Children

6. Allow their children to fail

Some parents don’t allow their children to fail while doing something. But authoritative parents allow their children to fail. Often, when their children fail, they encourage them to give it another shot until they succeed. With this, the child learns that failure leads to success.

7. Allow sufficient time for creative activities

Many authoritative parents give their children time to engage in creative activities. But they also ensure that the kids don’t abuse the time.

8. Provide a conducive environment

Authoritative parents provide the right space for their children to play. They ensure that the space is free from anything that may be harmful to the kids.

9. Model creative behaviour

Children learn a lot from what they see their parents do. Therefore, authoritative parents strive to demonstrate one or more creative skills for their kids to emulate. Some parents go the extra mile to teach their children the creative skills they’ve got.

10. Provide the needed materials and resources

Creativity involves the use of various materials and resources. There, parents strive to provide their kids with the necessary things they need for creative activities. These materials include but are not limited to toys, building blocks, scissors, papers, and threads.

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