Ten of The Smartest Animals From Around the World

mong the living species that live on earth or in the seas with humans, there are some that can establish colonies, use certain objects as tools to feed themselves or recognize themselves in the mirror. Some of these animal species are very close to humans, while others live in the wild. We wanted to list the smartest animals in the world for you. These animals have such amazing abilities you can’t deny they are indeed smart…



Although ants are not the largest-brained creatures among animals, they can develop a complex and collective community based on an elaborate communication system that includes movement, touch, smell, and sound. While ants engage in activities such as agriculture, farming and nursing, they can enslave other ants and use them in these activities. They can also build a Megapolis covering thousands of kilometres, creating a supercolony of billions of individuals.



Crows are bird species that are extraordinarily adapted to the existence and way of life of human beings. These birds, which have excellent memory, also have the ability to solve problems. For example, they throw the walnut on a road where cars pass and they eat the inside of the walnut, which is broken when it passes over the wheel. The Magpie, a type of crow, is the only bird that can recognize itself in a mirror.



Otters are known as animals that like to play in mud and water just like children. However, these intelligent creatures of the water’s edge are smart enough to break the shells of their favourite food, mussels, with stones and to provide shelter for their families to live.



Contrary to popular belief, pigs are extremely intelligent and very clean. The reason pigs spend time in the mud is to keep themselves cool due to the lack of sweat glands. Experiments in the 1990s showed that by keeping symbols in mind, pigs could then match those symbols with a computer cursor. These experiments also showed that pigs can learn as quickly as chimpanzees.



Octopuses, unlike vertebrate animals, are the only invertebrates that can use objects in their environment as tools. The giant North Pacific Octopus is considered the most intelligent living cephalopod. They can also recognize and interact with some individuals by changing their body tissues or other movements.



Dogs, who have lived together with humans for centuries, have learned a lot from us. Research shows that dogs are the animals that understand humans the best of all other animal species. Dogs with superior memory are able to think with the intelligence of a child and thus display many social skills. Border collie, Labrador and Poodle type dogs are known to have a higher understanding capacity than other dog types.



Adult male Sperm Whales have the largest brains of all living things, with an average brain of 7.8 kg. However, whales are too big to control the true extent of their trainability. It has been determined that the Beluga Whale, which is the most comprehensively studied whale species to date, shows signs of intelligence high enough to mimic human facial expressions.

Asian Elephants

Asian Elephants

With the largest brains among land animals, elephants have high intelligence and strong family ties. Asian Elephants have the ability to introspect and see themselves as an individual, separating them from the environment and other individuals. They can also perform art that requires creativity, such as drawing a picture, without any assistance. These gigantic creatures are one of the rare species that mourn the deaths of their loved ones.



Bottlenose dolphins are genetically closest to humans. Dolphins are the only sea creatures that have passed the mirror test, the main indicator of self-awareness in animals. Dolphins are smart enough to consider using sponges to protect their noses as they dig the seafloor for food. According to a study carried out by scientists in 2013, dolphins give each other special names. And they call each other by name by whistling. According to another study, Killer Whales, which are actually a species of dolphin, can transfer their knowledge and culture from generation to generation with their special dialects.

Great Apes

Great Apes

It is known that great apes are the most intelligent living species after humans, the great apes (Hominidae); They consist of four species: Bonobos, Chimpanzees, Orangutans and Gorillas. These monkey species can use many objects as tools. For example, they can catch ants with sticks or use sticks to measure the depth of water before crossing a stream. Apes are also quite adept at communicating with other members of their families and humans.

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